V. B. Amoroso

Academician, National Academy of Science and Technology (NAST)
EDUCATION:      Ph.D. in Botany (Morphology and Taxonomy), University of the Philippines Diliman, Philippines
M.S. in Botany (Morphology), University of the Philippines Diliman,          Philippines
B.S. in Biology, Silliman University, Philippines
Contact Information: victorbamoroso@gmail.com
Researchgate Account: https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Victor_Amoroso Google Scholar: https://scholar.google.com/citations?hl=en&user=PKFoS_sAAAAJ

Project Leader “Morphology, Ex situ Conservation and Physicochemical Evaluation of Mindanao Indigenous Vascular Plants as Alternative Food Source”. July 2019-August 2021.

Program Leader “Biodiversity in Selected Mountain Ecosystems of Mindanao for Conservation and Sustainable Development”. December 2018- January 2021.

Program Leader “Field Verification of Natural Fungicide from Tasmania peperita (Hook. f) Miers Against Alternaria brassicae of lettus and Phytophtera infestans of Tomato” (SIPBIO Phase 2)”. October 2017-September 2019

Program Leader “Saving Terrestrial Biodiversity: Inventory, Assessment, Conservation and Capability Building in Marilog Forest Reserve, Southern Mindanao, Philippines” September 2017- January, 2020.

Study Leader “ Inventory of Flora in Mt. Sinaka, Arakan, Cotabato” November, 2018 to October, 2020.

Program Leader “Biodiversity Inventory, Assessment, Conservation and Capability Enhancement in Mt. Tago and Mt. Pantaron Range, Bukidnon” September 2017-present

Project Leader “Sustainability Framework for Buffer Zones of Protected Areas: Pathways to Social Adaptation for Livelihood and Conservation’ September 2017-present

Project  Leader “Biodiversity Assessment and Monitoring of the expansion sites of Mt. Hamiguitan Range Wildlife Sanctuary” October 2016-December 2016.

Program Leader, Biodiversity, Inventory, Assessment, Monitoring and Conservation in Mindanao LTER Sites. Commission on Higher Education (CHED).

Published Articles (in the last five years)

  • Coritico F.P., Amoroso, V.B., Acma F.M., Cariño Y.L.L., P. W. Fritsch. Ferns and Lycophytes of Mt. Tago Range, Bukidnon, Southern Philippines: Species Richness, Distribution and Conservation Status. Philippine Journal of Science. (Accepted, In Press).
  • Amoroso V.B., Coritico F.P. and P.W. Fritsch. 2020. Actinostachys minuta, a new species of grass fern from Mindanao, Philippines. Phytokeys 151(3): 59-66.
  • Mohagan, A.B., R.R. Patano Jr., E.P. Leaño, M.G. Melencion, F.P. Coritico and V.B. Amoroso. 2020. New Record of Talthybia depressa (Araneae: Araneidae) from the Philippines. Philippine Journal of Science 149 (3): 575-583
  • Mohagan, A.B., R.R. Patano Jr., M.S. Acola, D.O. Melencio, F.P. Coritico and V.B. Amoroso. 2020. Presence of the Four-spined Pygmy Devil, Arulenus validispinus (Orthoptera: Tetrigidae) confirmed in Bukidnon region on the island of Mindanao. Journal of Orthoptera Research.
  • Mohagan, A.B., R.R. Patano Jr., K.S.A.T. Dargantes, M.G. Melencion, F.P. Coritico and V.B. Amoroso. 2020. New Record of Talthybia depressa (Araneae: Araneidae) from the Philippines. Philippine Journal of Science 149 (3): 523-527
  • Mohagan, A.B., E.P. Leańo, M.G. Melencion, R.R. Patano Jr., A.L. Hongco & V.B. Amoroso. 2020. Yellow Striped Giraffehopper Spartolus pugionatus Stål, 1877 comb. resurr. (Tetrigidae: Ophiotettegini) inhabits Mindanao Island of the Philippines’ archipelago. Zootaxa  4722 (6): 591–600.
  • Escarlos, J.A.Jr., E.P.L.Leaño, M.G.Melencion, A.B.Mohagan, R.P.Jr.Patano, A.L.Hongco, N.E.Lagunday and V.B. Amoroso. 2019 . Diversity of Fruit Bats (Pteropodidae) in Baganihan, Marilog Forest Reserve, Marilog District, Southern Philippines. Asian Journal of Biodiversity 10(1): 1-13.
  • Mohagan, A.B., R.R. Patano Jr., A.L. Hongco, N.E. Lagunday, F.P. Coritico & V.B. Amoroso. 2019. Species occurrence of weevils (Coleoptera: Curculionidae) in the Baganihan, Marilog Forest Reserve, Marilog District, Davao City, Philippine. Journal of Biodiversity and Environmental Sciences. 13 (2), 30-34.
  • Chen, C-W., S. Lindsay, K.T. Yong, A.N.A. Mustapeng and V.B. Amoroso. 2019. Clarification of Two Poorly Known Vittarioid Ferns (Pteridaceae): Haplopteris angustissima and H. cappillaris. Systematic Botany, 44(3):483-493.
  • Amoroso, V.B., N.P. Mendez & N.E.Lagunday. 2018. Mitrastemonaceae: A New Family Record for the Philippines. Philippine Journal of Science 147(4): 775–779.
  • Bautista, M.G., F.P. Coritico, F.M. Acma and V.B. Amoroso. 2018. Spikemoss Flora (Selaginella) in Mindanao Island, the Philippines: species composition and phenetic analysis of morphological variations. Philippine Journal of Systematic Biology 12(1): 45-53.
  • Coritico, F.P., E.B. Sinamban, A.B. Mohagan and V.B. Amoroso.2018. Preliminary Report on the Anurans of Mt. Pantaron Range, Bukidnon, Central Mindanao, Philippines. Philippine Nature Studies 17(1): 9-23.
  • Amoroso, V.B., N. E. Lagunday, F. P. Coritico & R. D. Colong. .2017. Nepenthes alfredoi (Caryophyllales: Nepenthaceae), A new species of pitcher plant from Mindanao, Philippines. Philippine Journal of Systematic Biology 11(2): 14-19.
  • Amoroso, V.B., Mendez, R.A. and A.P. Villalobos. 2017.  Bringing Back the Lost Value of Ferns: Their Antioxidant, Proteins and Utilization. Int. J. Adv. Res. 5(4) 757-770.
  • Fritsch, P.W. and V. B. Amoroso. 2017. Diplycosia kitangladensis sp. nov. from Mindanao, The Philippines, and a taxonomic reassessment of D. trinervia. Nat. Hist. Bull. Siam Soc. 62(1): 21–27.
  • Coritico, F.P., V.B. Amoroso and M. Lehnert. 2017. New records, names and combinations of scaly tree ferns (Cyatheaceae) in eastern Malesia. Blumea 62:92-96.
  • Coritico F.P. and V. B. Amoroso. 2017. A Rapid Assessment of Vascular Plants in Mt. Kiamo, Mindanao, Philippines. Asian Journal of Biodiversity. 8 (1):62-78.
  • Kim, E.S., Y. Trisurat, H. Muraoka,  H. Shibata, V. Amoroso, B. Boldgiv, K. Hoshizaki,  A. R. Kassim, Y.S. Kim,  H. Q. Nguyen, N. Ohte, P. Ong and C.P. Wang. 2017. The International Long-Term Ecological Research-East Asia-Pacific Regional Network (ILTER-EAP): History, development, and perspectives. Ecological Research. Ecological Research, 1-16.
  • Lagunday,N.E.,  F.M. Acma, V.G. Cabana, N.M. Sabas, V.B. Amoroso. Two New Nepenthes Species from the Unexplored Mountains of Central Mindanao, Philippines. Philippine Journal of Science. 146 (2): 159-165.
  • Dela Cruz, R., Ang, A. M. G., Doblas, G.Z., Librando, I.L., Porquis, H.C., Batoctoy, B.C.L.S., Cabresos, C.C., Jacalan, D.R.Y., & V.B. Amoroso.2017. Antioxidant, Anti-inflammatory and Phytochemical Screening in Three Selected Species of Ferns (Polypodiaceae) in Bukidnon, Philippines.Bull. Env. Pharmacol. Life Sci., 6 (3) 26-32.
  • Amoroso, V.B., F.P. Coritico and P.W. Fritsch. 2016. Species Richness and Conservation Status of Ferns and Lycophytes in Mt. Hamiguitan Range Wildlife Sanctuary, Davao Oriental, Philippines. Philippine Journal of Science. 145 (2): 127-137.
  • Fritsch, P.W. and V. B. Amoroso. 2016. Diplycosia platyphylla (Ericaceae), a new species from Mindanao, Philippines. Phytokeys. 69: 31–38.
  • Lumista H.P., Dela Cruz, R.Y., Acma, F.M. and V.B. Amoroso. 2016. Occurrence of threatened, Endemic and Economic Seed Plants in Selected Mountains in Mindanao Philippines. CMU Journal of Science 20: 2-13.
  • Ebihara, A, N. Nakato, V. B. Amoroso, A. Hidayat and L.Y. Kuo. 2016. Monachosorum arakii Tagawa (Dennstaedtiaceae) is a Relict “International” Hybrid: A Reassessment of the Monachosorum Species. Systematic Botany 41(3):586-595.
  • Alava, C.G., F.P. Coritico, A.N. Morados and V.B. Amoroso. 2016. Ecological Insights and Environmental Protection for Sustainable Development under Climate Changes in East-Asia and Pacific Regions. Proceedings of the International Conference 2016 ICERN-ILTER. ISBN 978-614-73-4647-9. 256-261.
  • Kuo LY, Y.H. Chang, J.M. O. Glowienka, V.B. Amoroso, S.Y. Dong, T.T. Kao, C.N.Wang and W.L. Chiou. 2016. A revised framework of Dryopteris subg. Nothoperanema (Dryopteridaceae) inferred from phylogenetic evidence, with descriptions of two new sections. Systematic Botany. 41 (3).
  • Gronemeyer, T., W. Suarez , H. Nuytemans, M. Calaramo, A. Wistuba, F. S. Mey and V.B. Amoroso. 2016. Two New Nepenthes Species from the Philippines and an Emended Description of Nepenthes ramos. Plants. 5(2), 23.
  • Lubos,L.C., V.B. Amoroso, F. Coritico, M. Demetillo. 2016. Species Richness and Riparian Vegetation of Plants in Cagayan de Oro River, Mindanao, Philippines. Asian Journal of Biodiversity. 6(2):41-68.
  • Simborio, L.T., M.P. Condino, J.D. Maglasang, L.B. Ledres and V.B. Amoroso. 2016. Ethnoveterinary knowledge and practices of livestock farmers in Mt. Kitanglad, Bukidnon, Southern Philippines. Philippine Journal of Veterinary Medicine. 53 (1): 10-16.