EDUCATION: Professional Education, Valencia Colleges, Inc.
B.S. Chemistry, Central Mindanao University
Contact Information: rainearmendez@cmu.edu.ph
Researchgate Account: https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Rainear_Mendez3
Google Scholar: https://scholar.google.com/citations?hl=en&user=3WOkiRMAAAAJ

Study Leader/Research Project Staff II: “Screening and Evaluation of Selected Mindanao Indigenous Vascular Plants as Alternative Food Source”. July 2019– present

Study Leader/Research Project II:  “Anti-inflammatory Compound/s From Selected Ferns in Mindanao”. January 2019-present

Study Leader/Research Project Staff II: “Field Verification of natural fungicide from Tasmannia (Hook.f) Miers against Alternaria brassicae of Lettuce and Phythophthora infestans of Tomato”. October 2017– present

Collaborator: “Screening and Evaluation of Selected Pteridophytes and Flowering Plants for Food and Cosmetic Properties”. April 2016– July 2018

Study Leader/Research Project Staff II: “Screening Indigenous Plants as Biopesticides and Product Development for Vegetables and Sugarcane Pests and Diseases (SIPBIO) “Screening and Characterization of Extracts as Biopesticides”. January 2015– December 2016

Published Articles (in the last five years)

  • Jayme JALF, Mendez NP, Mendez RA, Somera DF and Mohagan AB. (2020 in-press). Species Richness and Endemism of Zingeberaceae in Cinchona Forest Reserve, Lantapan, Bukidnon, Philippines. Journal of Tropical Life Science 10(2).
  • Lodevico DP, Enot MM, Mendez RA, Abarquez VR, Monisit GFB, Coritico FP and Amoroso VB. (2018). Phytochemical and Antioxidant Activity Variation of Processed Edible Ferns. CMU Journal of Science 22(2): 57-67.
  • Mendez NP, Mendez RA, Hongco AL , Patano RR Jr., Amper DO, Somera DF and Mohagan AB. (2018). New Distributional Record of Christisonia scortechinii Prain (Orobanchaceae) from Mindanao, Philippines. JNBR 7(3) 137 – 140.
  • Mendez NP, Buenavista DP and Mendez RA. (2017). Morphology and Taxonomic Identification of a Leafless orchid Aphyllorchis from Bukidnon, Philippines. JNBR 6(3) 148-153.
  • Amoroso VB, Mendez RA and Villalobos AP. (2017). Bringing Back The Lost Value Of Philippine Edible Ferns: Their Antioxidant, Proteins And Utilization. Int. J. of Adv. Res. 5 (4): 757-770.